Fools for Christ, by David Roberts
People commonly try to focus too strongly on how they look and sound… I hope a pray this message finds you open and receptive to the Spirit.
I’ve been thinking and meditating on this topic for as many years as I’ve been filled with His Spirit. Optics is so important to ego... but not to God, except the types and shadows human understanding scoffs at. Our irreverence toward anything we’ve associated with as holy is terribly offensive to our egos… like those relics have power, but the truth is, they do have power, the power we give them.
We’ve all read many times how Paul was viewed a fool, even referring to himself as a fool for Christ, saying he thought God had set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men (1 Cor4:9). He also said boldly to follow him as He followed Christ.
It’s hard to find any reference of Jesus being referred to as attractive or becoming but the artists renderings and our vain imaginations make Him like the boy we hope our daughter would marry. In fact, when asking Jesus why He spoke in parables we know how He answered (so hearing you WON’T hear, speaking to those who by faith can hear) yet people still try to imitate on the outside without the authenticity of transparency.
Most people think of attraction as physical beauty but the ego is far more complex in it’s desires, hungers and wants.
I was a salesman in my early years and could sale ice to eskimos (sorry if not politically correct🤷♂️), but outta the gate God showed me how I was taking the gift in me and using it for self gain. Now, I’m left with insight and nothing to build or gain except reconciliation to the Father.
Any of us could build an organization and run it but not many will make themselves of no reputation. I applaud ministries and ministers of congregations, wishing them every success in everything that gives God glory, but I’m knowledgeable many may not understand that submitted lives to God CREATE GLORY.
I’m not interested in being anything I’m not. I’m just me, being me, whatever that happens to be to you. Chances are, it looks foolish but I’m a man who loves what God loves and hates what He hates, yet find myself in my earthen vessel, doing at times what I don’t want to do or not doing what I ought to do. With this in mind, I receive grace for myself so it’s not that big of a deal to extend the same to you. Heck, I didn’t pay anything for whatever treasure might be hidden in this old guy and understand you have a treasure in you as well.
There’s a treasure in us all. I just hope we stop judging books by covers… so much so I’ve laid my life down to see God’s dream come true. I know I’m not alone as a fool for Christ and know it’s not like there’s many gatherings with this type simplicity, that haven’t been peppered with law. It’s not as if we gather to charge our batteries either, as some use that pitch… it’s that a deeply desire to know those who are co-laboring with me… I find them all over the place, just so you know. They’re drivers at UPS, school teachers, cashiers, nurses, doctors, in every area of life.
“So from now on we regard no one from a human point of view [according to worldly standards and values]. Though we have known Christ from a human point of view, now we no longer know Him in this way.” 2 Cor 5:16AMP
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