"If you're reading this letter, my disease has run its course. Enclosed is some money for my burial. I would like to be cremated. I spent my whole life in a box. I don't want to be buried in one." -Georgia May Byrd (Queen Latifah)That line is from one of my favorite movies and it pretty well summarizes my inner thoughts. The title of the movie is Last Holiday.
A foundational shift in each of us awakens us to Reality, altering our viewpoints. Awareness comes from simple, child like faith in Spirit (God). We once viewed our human reality as the source of Life, and although very real (for short, I distinguish what I call small "r" reality from big "R" Reality), we see it (small "r" reality) is incapable of producing Life (let alone be the source of Life). Reality is that you are already in the room with God, even if you don't know or believe it.
Few will tell you, "The cross has made you flawless" without adding caveats. The bottom line is that considering yourself equal with God is the only way you can find agreement with Him. To call the bluff on all the lies that say you aren't worthy, simply agree with God. You ARE worthy. If I don't preface that statement with explaining that it's not by your own effort or if I don't explain that He provided The Lamb, it's no less true.
Human form is too proud to let someone see us as weak but that's not where His (Spirit's) strength is made perfect. As humans, we're quick to steal honor from God. His presentation of love was in the form of putting Himself to an open shame instead of saving His reputation. We tell each other, You don't wanna be like "these guys"or "those guys" and you do wanna be like ... You understand. Eager to distract from the main thing, we focus on minor issues and methods. We've created massive libraries of beautiful teaching, and most of it does nothing but distract from the one thing that will produce righteousness in us, the cross. The power of being offended by the cross is overlooked because it does not make sense. Master carpenters reject the simplicity of the cross and the masses follow along blindly, as if we think they know the way. Maybe they do know the way but the issue isn't if they know the way, it's do you. We have enough educational material to build economies based on ways to store the information, yet we seem to lack in the simplest matters. We all understand what happens when an atom is split yet it's like the mental program we're running only offers, "this does not compute" when laying down our own lives. In this hour, we are sitting on a powder keg of possibility, but it's only released when our own lives are laid down. The gospel of Christ is still the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.
There's an old saying that bears much truth, "the devil is in the details". Many fail to fully mature, for at least two reasons: 1) they don't have a proper relationship with someone on Earth, to submit as a spiritual leader (father - son), 2) they stay surrendered just long enough to understand some of God's plan (refer back to reason one) so they run off to save the world before real power comes on them. Our libraries fill to capacity and there never seems to be a shortage of those drinking the humanistic KoolAid.
Real authority isn't a system, a group or a council. Those are all very important and wonderful tools we can later use but first we need to learn some things (mainly, we need His mind). We need to understand how it all works BEFORE we begin (again). The early church seemed to capture something very important when they had everything in common. We need to learn all the rules (the blue prints) before we begin with an old mindset (pre-conceived idea).
Real authority looks on Earth the same as in heaven; it's a mirror (hint: that's why there's 24 elders around the throne- 12, but in a mirror there are 24). Submit yourself to someone (preferably, the one God chose in your life). They are either in your life, been there, or on their way. Personally, I don't care who it is. Your act of turning your heart toward a father will have a reciprocal effect in him. You have great revelation; great, we all get that. And, you wanna build something wonderful in the Earth, possibly because you want to please your father (Father). But actually, he (He) never told you to build anything. You just assumed that. Take a more simple approach and readjust what you deem minor and major. Allow the atom to be split inside you. Make it your mission to pursue and trust Love. Then, love as you are loved and stop trying so hard. Let me let you off the hook on something: Jesus never expected you to love everyone on your own. He said to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and body. He then said to love others as you love yourself. Your responsibility to love others is "AS" you love yourself. The further you understand you are in the room with God, that is the measurement to love others. Love as you are loved. The entire process begins with Him first loving you. It's by the measure you have the clouds removed from your own eyes, that you'll be able to understand what is right and noble.
Many saints have been raised up already to look after your soul. These "elders" often will not have an official title in a "church". Don't underestimate their purpose in changing your life. Our greatest desire is that Christ be formed in you. We prepare, empower and send you on your way, as you begin (again) your journey, understanding the Kingdom of God. Don't think it strange but the method we use most likely is the same Jesus used. He told us straight out every time He prayed over food "bread". All too often, our programmatic mindset gets stuck because we fail to wait to be; 1) blessed, 2) broken, 3) and sent. Without proper relationships on earth we will continue a pattern of babysitting rather than true discipleship. Obviously, there can be abuses in every submitting relationship but just because some husbands are abusive doesn't mean we should do away with marriage.
God's love IS an offense to all flesh, even "Billy Graham's". No flesh is immune from offense. God's amazing kind of love is the most profound truth there is and yet it's wrapped in a simplistic (plain) wrapper that has the power of an atom being split. No-one should take Grace for granted. A mentally challenged individual has a better chance of experiencing His Love than the one who is rich in information. "The cross has made you flawless" is an anchor point to transform the way you see yourself and others if you believe without taking it for granted.
You are flawless because of a choice God made, not one you made. The choice you make, to believe in Grace or not is the fork in the road to whether you'll be aware you're an heir or continue in self effort.
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