I am a citizen of _______.
Do you know what the definition of citizen? Merriam-Webster defines citizen as: (1) : an inhabitant of a city or town; especially: one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman.
I've been really thinking about dual citizenship and if it's possible to really have dual citizenship. We know that it is possible to have citizenship in two countries, states, or similar situations but I'm really thinking about my citizenship in heaven and my citizenship in (a) the human race, (b) country (The United States of America), (c) state (Alabama), (d) family (husband, father), and i.e. It seems as though believers in God (really, no matter who your god is) should hold first allegiance to Him.
Remember back on 9/11? I'm sure we all hold many memories of the twin towers coming down, along with fears, thoughts and revelations of that infamous day. One revelation I had was that we Christians weren't committed quite to the depths of the terrorists in those attacks. While I abhor the actions of the terrorist and celebrate the heroes that ran toward places everyone else were exiting, it seems that the terrorists did exactly as they had purposed in their hearts. At the same time, it seems Christians spend much of our time judging each other rather than simply loving people right where they are.
What have we purposed in our hearts? Wasn't it to trust God? Wasn't it to accept the free gift of Jesus, our redeemer, who put upon Him, not only my Sin but the Sin of the world. It seems that if my hope were fully grounded in Him, so many things happening in today's world wouldn't get us so anxious and upset (or at least maybe we would have the courage to recognize when we are anxious, and allow God to reveal to us our area of lack of faith).
There is so much talk about health care lately... so much that there is pressure to pick a side. Similar problems have risen over the years, although not to this heightened state of frenzy. Let me mention a couple of 'hot-topics' and see if you have a strong opinion on what is right for this country or local area you may be. How about prayer in school? What are your thoughts? What about allowing same-sex marriage? Any thoughts? Be honest... How about taking 'In God we Trust' off our money? Does that matter to you?
My point is simple. Trust God. There are debates around every corner and to think God is on one side or the other is to lose focus on what God is doing. What is God doing? I guess you should ask Him that if you don't have a good relationship with Him. One thing I know will happen is that this country and world is not surviving as we know it. Problems of this world are going to get worse instead of better. Tragic things will happen and opportunities to get sucked into an emotional roller-coaster are around every corner. God is taking down things that exalt itself before Him. He is raising Himself in the Earth (His Body) and He isn't in a system or a 'box'. There isn't such a scenario of every knee not bowing... No, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Did you think we would all just go out in a field somewhere and pick flowers for such a movement of God to manifest? Of course you didn't. We all know that out of adversity breeds strength and truth.
If our citizenship is in the world we'll respond with worldly tactics. Of course, I am not encouraging or discouraging anyone from taking a position or joining any group or organization. I think you should do what is in your heart (just be sensitive and allow your heart to change). I am merely pointing out that God isn't taking sides except the one side He already took. The side He took was way back before the world was formed. He chose you. He chose to put into place a world with an Adam and an Eve, knowing they would fail to trust Him. Knowing this, He had Himself to offer in exchange, keeping all who come short a way to be one with Him. He chose a side all right, and that side is not a petty political race, or an issue that divides. His grace is sufficient and His love conquers all the fear you will ever encounter. Love is the answer. If we have to pick a side in a debate, just remember that God loves us all and the system in which we keep trying to save is probably one that God is taking down. He has prepared many believers to manifest love as more and more trials happen. The very trials themselves produce fiery baptisms, revealing Truth in all of us.
Where is my citizenship and is it possible to have dual citizenship? I guess it's possible but being double minded probably isn't what God had in mind when He simply asked you to believe.
Additional Study: Joshua 5:13-14 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" "Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come."
>What’s it gonna take to get your life on track?
As long as our thinking remains an intellectual pursuit, we will walk in darkness, behind the cloud. So... you've decided you don't want to walk in darkness any longer? It's really irrelevant what you have decided because God decided nothing would separate you from His love. Too many times to count, we've offered counsel to individuals and families seeking help. Eventually, we'll ask one simple question, "What's it gonna take to get your life on track?"
Very few answer they didn't know what to do. Most think they know what is lacking to get on track. Some people have answered they need a job, money, time, education, food, shelter, support system, family, and many other things. While any of those things would probably make them more comfortable, they would not create freedom. I suppose it never dawns on us that our best effort's got us in our mess. When absolute brokenness happens, a loss of hope in our own abilities can be replaced by faith in God. This new found faith stems from a source, not grounded in the world, but in our true identity, which is eternal.
While it is very simple, it's not easy experiencing freedom. Experiencing freedom is the most difficult thing you will ever attempt. In fact, the only way you can experience it is to give up trying. Isn't that a kicker! There are no shortcuts. John 10 describes a pathway or door that we must go through, and attempting to enter using other means, make us thieves and robbers. The pathway to freedom is the cross. There are no shortcuts and our old way of thinking has to be rejected. It's a very real thing to be crucified with Christ.
Study the photo in this post. Imagine what real experiences those people went through. There are no shortcuts and the cross isn't a metaphor. There is no way around the pain of letting go of a system that we love so much, but there is something far greater set before you.
Eternity isn't waiting to start when time is finished. Eternity is in a different dimension, one that will never be seen until we let go of the things of this world. When we let go of the things of this world, strangely, we are free to enjoy all things more fully. It's only when we don't find our identity in the world, that we can move freely in it.
What's it gonna take to get your life on track? It may be a surprise to you but your life is not off-track. If you aren't presently walking in the Light, you are right on track for a head on collision with the cross. The pain from all your hopes going down the drain will leave you with nothing left but to trust God and allow Him to be your life.
>What is Restoration House Ministries all about?
Restoration House Ministries could just as easily be called “Luke 5:11 Ministries”. We have surrendered our lives teaching the things revealed to us in this passage and others. Luke 5:1-11 tells the story of the calling of the first disciples. One day while at the Sea of Galilee Jesus sees two boats, one belonging to Simon. He gets in and asks him to put out from shore a little. From inside Simon’s boat, He taught the people.
When He had finished speaking, He told Simon to put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch. He tells Jesus they had fished all night long, working hard and they hadn’t caught a thing. But Simon continued, saying to Jesus that because He said so, he would let down his nets. When Simon let down his nets, as Jesus had said to do, the catch was so tremendous that his nets began to break and his boat began to sink. He called for the other boat and while helping, there were so many fish their nets began to break and it almost sank the boat.
This is where most Christians “go into ~the ministry~”. We stick our finger in our Bibles and begin to minister. The first word from God can tragically be the last until God allows our old nature to run its course (broken), thereby revealing a new realm of possibilities.
These men had just caught the greatest catch of their lives as professional fishermen but they do something really strange at this point. Jesus tells Simon not to be afraid and that from now on he would catch men. In response they pulled their boats on shore and left everything to follow Him. Have you ever thought about what they left behind? They left their huge catch of fish, probably their largest ever. Nowadays, we would probably be calling Guinness Book of World Records. They left their livelihood as fishermen and to seal the deal, they left their boats and all their equipment. They even left their fathers to follow Him.
Restoration House Ministries is dedicated to taking you to that place, as we continually go there ourselves. There is a place in Christ that is perfectly still and at rest, even in a storm.
Too many times to count, we've had people in our office or telephone calls, and we've asked a simple question, "What's it gonna take to get your life on track?". So few answer they had tried everything and didn't know what to do next. So few answer they were at the end and were hopeless for ever finding an answer. So very few are willing to walk the narrow road less traveled. You see, it's impossible to trust God fully without losing all hope in worldly means. God's plan for your life leads you to trusting Him so fully that you absolutely turn your back on the ways of the world. It's still true today that the Chief Cornerstone is rejected by those that haven't lost hope in the world. It's only when we don't find our identity in the world, that we can move freely in it.
We aren't building an organization or a group with an idea of having an impact on anything or anyone. We aren't trying to get church members to leave the place they are called. All we are about is simply trusting God and having a very personal relationship with our God. Many 'works' flow out of that intimacy, but our heart is to be so transparent that our old agenda is lost and replaced with His heart.
We believe that eternity isn't waiting to start but it is in a different dimension, one that time, and things in time, operate. Eternity is much like a room filled with smoke and inside the room is a thin, short thread, floating in the air. The thread represents time and everything else is eternity. We are an association of believers and ministries. We are all about the maturing of the saints so we can all grow and know our perfection in God. In short, we are about revealling our new identity in Christ, restoring God's house.
Our door is open for you and we would love to share some time with you. You won't be asked to join anything- in fact, there is no membership to join.
I AM, David
>Real or Imitation- How do you want to spend your life? Part One
What do you see to your left? Do you see a duck? or, do you see a 'rubber' duck, that looks 'like' a duck? Obviously, the image to the left is a cheap imitation of the real thing. Walking like a duck, talking like a duck, looking like a duck or any other attribute will never make it a duck. Likewise, walking like a chicken, clucking like a chicken, or looking like a chicken won't make you a chicken. Wherever you are in life, be there. Give your entire self to the moment and enjoy it.
Since we're talking about ducks, what is the most important thing a duck needs to know? There are tons of things you might answer. Possible answers that a duck might need to know are:
- how to find food, water
- how to communicate
- where to find shelter
- how to find his or her mate to reproduce
- where to find safety
- acceptance to his group
- part of the social network
All those answers are really good and you could probably come up with dozens more, but all those answers are circumstantial and none are more important than one thing. The most important thing a duck needs to know is that he is a duck. He must know who he is. He must know his identity. The same is true with you. If you want to be free, you must know who you are. When we're free, our decisions are based in a place at our core, rather than considering what each decision 'looks like' or how 'this will affect me'.
We aren't who we are because of what we do! Just because you talk like a christian and walk like a christian doesn't mean you're walking by faith. Be Real. Get honest with yourself and get naked with me.
I am,
>Moving On…
While listening to this song about moving on from a failed relationship, think about how the world system has let you down. Think about how all the efforts you have made to make a name for yourself have come up still needing more effort. There is a way to let go of the past and to move on to 'what is next' in your life. Say good-bye to the past and hello to something even greater. God really does love you and He has a plan and purpose for you. Try not to think about His plan and purpose in terms of normal definitions. Just let your mind go and trust Him. Trust Him while you're listening to this song. Trust Him later on today. Trust Him next week when things are going good or bad. He'll take it from there.
I Am,
>How to Pray and Know the Answers
Several years ago the Lord gave me a series to share with a local group on the topic, How to Pray and Know the Answers, Every Time. The series broke down into a series of four messages and are as much a part of me as He Himself. I am grateful to the Lord for His revelation in this area but I must admit it is totally Him.
Who can Commune with God?
Who can have Relationship?
Can I actually Abide?
Should I lose my mind?
You must if you expect to be in agreement with “being in Him”.
Can I Know His will? Once I understand what prayer is and that I can commune with God, once I have a personal relationship, am abiding in Christ, once I have lost my mind- then I can know His good and acceptable will- not before.
Now I can Pray according to His will!
I am asked often, “How do you do the things you do?” “How do you walk so closely to the Lord, it seems so effortless for you?” I love to have those questions asked and I love to enter into these types of discussions.
The more we acknowledge our new identity as being in Him, we'll have personal understanding on how to pray, and we'll understand how it's possible to pray without ceasing. God is addressing our identity crisis. I am not speaking about what we identify 'with'; but rather, 'who are we', better yet, 'who am I'. The answer to this question is/was resolved at the cross. There is a death to the old man that God is allowing in your life. This death isn't anything to be afraid... it's actually overseen by God, and part of your ordained steps. It's actually the path to say with Paul, "death, where is your sting now?", and also the cornerstone that we're most likely to reject.
Wherever you are in life, there is a 'now moment'. Trust Him in your 'now moment', the one you are experiencing right now. The present moment for 'you', might be that your performance is worldly 'good', or worldly 'bad'. Either condition is unacceptable to God. The only way we can truly know God is get past the idea that we don't belong with Him. We do belong with Him, because He paid the price. It's not by merit that we have right to boldly enter into Him, it's by faith.
As far as I can see, the whole duty of a believer is to believe God. Everything else is on His shoulders. A lot of times people seem to think that the gift of faith is being able to walk in His revelation. While it is true that the gift of faith does manifest many times in our lives, it is not true that it's the gift of faith that allows us to abide in Him. What I am saying may seem to split hairs from where you are sitting so let me reword it. It's because of the reckless abandoning of your own life that Christ can be seen. Some may say that this is taking being saved by grace out of the picture. All I am saying is that I agree with God, “I am saved, righteous, cleansed, one with Him”. Out of the acceptance of salvation comes manifestation. Out of my 'new' mind, I think with 'His' mind. Out of 'His' love, 'I' love. He is present and loves me regardless of what action I take (good or bad); however, it’s only when my mind agrees with Him that my choices aren’t based in “what I see”.
How tragic is it for us to teach and preach that Jesus alone is the way and yet our lives teach and preach something else. There's no need to wear a mask. When you get down to it, it doesn't matter how you choose to live... He loves you just like you are. Want a quick and easy answer to the question? Is there a way to know the answers to every prayer I might pray? Yes, but you'll have to lose your mind to know it.
I am,
>Total Surrender ‘Contract’
>Dear Lord, I surrender to You:
My will, mind and emotions, my body, my future plans, hopes and dreams. I give You my home, my marriage, my mate, my children, my geographical location, my recreation and entertainment, and my career. I surrender to You my past successes and my past failures, my habits, my finances, my problems, my time, my integrity and character, my attitudes, my business conduct & relationships, my Christian walk and my response to authority.
Lord, I further surrender to You the following “rights”:
- My right to possessions,
- My right to a good reputation,
- My right to have acceptance,
- My right to have pleasant circumstances,
- My right to presume on the will of God,
- My right to life itself,
- My right to beauty or strength,
- My right to have friendships,
- My right to be heard,
- My right to take up offense,
- My right to avoid reaping from what I sow,
- My right to be right,
- My right to see results,
- My right to ___________________________
- My right to ___________________________
- My right to ___________________________
- My right to ___________________________
Dear Lord, I give You permission to do anything You wish to me, with me, in me or through me. I claimed the above items once as mine. Now they belong to You and are under Your control. You can do anything You please with them. I willingly make this commitment in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I recognize that this is an agreement with You that can never be broken. Now that I have surrendered ownership of my life to You, You will never give it back to me.In Your name, Amen
Signature _________________________ Date _______
A friend and brother gave me the above "Contract", probably ten years ago, while we were ministering somewhere. Hope you are blessed with it.
What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
I am,
>It’s About the Economy
>What’s the big ‘ta-do’ About Money?
>Really Only One Way to Commit Suicide

I feel I should warn you that what you may read isn't a definitive statement of fact, but rather an open confession of my thoughts and relationship with Life.
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