Believing the Gospel changes your mind. Preaching the Gospel is primarily to change what you believe in (your mind), not your actions; so if your mind is changed to Christ's mind, your actions will align to His actions.
Alternatively, if you change your actions, you may still be trusting in the old mind, possibly trying to create a new 'habit'. Trusting the Grace of God is not a habit; it's the power of God, which is foolishness to what is perishing.
Focusing on the end result is fine if it's a goal we're setting; to lose weight, plant a garden, study to know His Word, or study for a test, but the principles at play aren't carnal, so our weapons aren't carnal. This is so difficult for the prophetic to accept, because they 'see', but what they don't see is how we get from 'here' to 'there'.
The difference is as simple as Christ being presented as concealed (old Covenant- law) or Christ revealed (New Covenant- Grace through Faith). The end result happens as our mind is renewed, when we accept His Grace by Faith; Christ is being formed in us.
For the one who follows Jesus, nothing can be more important than believing in Him. Everything else is subordinate to this top priority.
For the one who considers himself a spiritual leader; do not instruct followers to 'do right', because the carnal mind will try to appropriate what we say, by using their effort to perform it, nullifying their experience in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The leader attempting to ride the fence really struggles with this truth. They see the choice of the individual to 'do right' as the goal. When the mind surrenders to His rule, all the dominoes fall.
If we must communicate what the end result looks like, and you can't just leave it as 'Christ being formed in you' and 'Him fulfilling His purpose through you', then do it with the understanding of 'how' 'right is done'. Attack the source of the issue, which is sin consciousness, not the individual choices. Focus on where they are placing their trust. Better yet, let's look in the mirror and do it in front of them, because that's what leading is all about, going first. The mind of Christ or the mind of man? The choice is simply to believe in Jesus and the one who sent Him.
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