For a really long time, how others related with God was a big part of my attention. I went so far as to fool myself, calling it part of Apostolic ministry. I thought it was productive for me to think about how other congregations (or individuals) worshiped God, and if they had certain revelation. That was then... This is now... When my thoughts drift toward how someone else relates to God, He's shown me that I'm off track. It's kinda like someone not wanting to get drunk because their reality is so wonderful, they don't want anything clouding their perspective. Looking outside our self to find purpose is a distraction to our own spiritual pilgrimage. When we think about how others worship God, we stop being honest with God and self. When it gets down to it, all we can do is submit to God and let go of our need to police everybody else. All the control in the world won't help anyone. In fact, it does just the opposite to those we say we love.
Somewhere along the way, it hit me, no one (other than myself) can walk by my revelation and I can't walk by others' revelation. We've got to allow each other opportunity to experience God in their own personal way. Without controlling them, hold their hand as they make decisions and find their way, along their own path. I guess I'm just thinking about Love, and how we each need to really connect to each other instead of superficially playing games. Real connection can't really happen as long as we're more concerned about how they handle certain issues than genuinely listening to how they see life, as well as anything else on their mind. I believe our world will be a better place if we'll simply connect with someone, whoever God places in our path. The trick is to be aware of our own natural ego getting in the way of connecting. In doing so, we don't actually have to pretend the ego isn't there, but just be honest about our own personal bias. The person you're speaking will find your honesty real and your love genuine.
What is Love? Part ONE / What is Love? Part TWO / What is Love? Part THREE
(David is available to speak one on one or to your group. Contact him for details.)
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Good word, David! I agree, all must through the “spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of HIM (Christ)” to have the eyes of their hearts opened…Thanks for sharing!!