Throwing Bible verses at people is much like throwing bullets at an intruder. Bullets are powerful, but only when you have a matching gun can the bullet be directed with pinpoint accuracy.
If I were to show you a bullet, most everyone would recognize it, but we may not realize what all makes up a bullet. For instance, a bullet that has been fired leaves behind a shell casing. The shell casing is very important to housing the bullet. ALL the power is within the casing. The casing alone has no power but in proper order, you wouldn't want to lackadaisically toss it in a campfire while roasting marshmallows. It's only when the casing is properly loaded, with the correct amount of gun powder (power) and placed in the proper setting that it offers predictable outcomes.
Let's look at a 45 caliber bullet; they require a 45 caliber bore to be effective.
I'm gonna jump from bullets, guns and ammo to the idea of receiving Christ. When we 'receive' Christ, believing that was the end would be ludicrous. The Bullet is powerful but if you are NOT formed to carry and deliver The Bullet, then you're of no use to the owner of the gun. The frame is important because it houses the barrel and trigger mechanism, but it can come in all sorts of sizes, shapes and colors. The thing that's consistent in frames is their unique bore sizes and presence of rifling.
- Bore size is is the approximate diameter of the barrel or the bullet it fires. It's measured in tenths or even hundredths of an inch. The example above is a 45 caliber, so it measures .45 inches in width.
- Rifling is grooves machined into the barrel, which are spiraled. Rifling is often described by its twist rate, which indicates the distance the rifling takes to complete one full revolution, such as "1 turn in 10 inches" (1:10 inches). The rate of turn (twist) indicates how fast the bullet will rotate upon exit.
You can imagine if a bullet were made of hardened steel, it would resist the syncing of itself to the twisting rate of the barrel riffling (grooves). The bullet, as it goes out the barrel, is uniquely marked as coming from 'this' barrel; as it spins, IN SYNC with the barrel.
Religion that isn't pure focuses on everything except Christ being formed in you. Those who are spiritual understand that in life we will be disappointed but quickly seek to understand and embrace this 'forming', which is transforming the way they think and setting us 'in sync' with Creator God.
We definitely need a frame, just like a river needs banks, but the frame is only a tool to carry and deliver what it was created to do. Don't fall in love so much with your idea of what life is supposed to look like. Trust that God has His hand guiding you, shaping you, to be. When we can just be then you are in the place of still, where we know God, surpassing everything our imaginations could have ever dreamed. Before you know it, you'll have His markings that identify you as His.
The Church is The Gun, sending saints into the Kingdom, with His unique markings.
Bullets are powerful, but only when they match the gun can they be directed with pinpoint accuracy. We can have all the right goals, but if we aren't fired from the right vehicle (sending agent- gun- proper order in the Church) we'll end up shipwrecked, with only hope for a future help. Future help is awesome, but it is 'present help' our souls long for... and it's 'present help' the world groans for. At some point we need to ask ourselves why we are here. As our minds are changed, we'll discover we are here for the world. The changing of our minds transforms us. Let's lay our agenda down and allow Him to shape us as He fires us into the world, using the Gun He created.
I hope you'll engage in conversation by commenting below. Share what Spirit speaks to you.