If most of us were alive 2000 years ago, we would have witnessed a community of people who were consumed with the popularity of their beliefs. I would submit those days are not unlike these days. 2000 years ago, we would have seen debates about what this verse means and what that verse means. Without being aware they were walking in legalism. We look back, acknowledging Pharisees, Sadducees and others, were evil (in the worldly sense), but actually they were not. They were seekers, but digging for treasure in the wrong field. They shared scriptures back and forth and diligently studied them. They believed they would find life in them. They loved the scriptures! But, what they missed was losing their own life, so they could see the unseen (the Kingdom of God), which Jesus preached. They couldn't see Jesus' as being part of God because they were looking at the form. We're not so different today.
If you were to pour concrete, we would need forms, but who worships concrete forms, except people ‘selling’ them? Being a respecter of persons is 'selling' them? Concrete forms are highly functional and without them, there would be no shape to our drive-ways, side walks and roads, but the main even is the substance that is carried in the form. Admitting we're vested in form is the first step toward repenting (turning to leave this path and head another), but it's only revealed by God and I've never seen this happen without someone being honest with themselves about heart issues. Selling everything you have, to follow Him is wise, but make sure it's not the form your following. I believe there are Apostles, Pastors and spiritual fathers around us that have a kingdom connection waiting for divine appointment. This could be one for you now (contact me). You could go through life and never see how close God was because we worshiped form far more than we admitted. Allowing yourself to 'leave' the control of form will lead you to being activated in your purpose. (the preceding is important!)
Now, with all that said, there is nothing wrong with your form. It's different, for sure but we'd be bored to tears if we were all uniform, not having our unique ways of expressing our passions and desires. Contrary to what the pastor or your buddy may have told you, God's not trying to kill your form or get you to lose your form. His substance doesn't harden stone, which the law was written. His substance is Love and written on our hearts. The control form has had over us is what He dealt with. If you like chocolate ice cream, it's not evil! If you like working with wood, that's not evil! Or, baking pies or trading stock, or driving a truck, or you are a natural leader, or like to write... all those things are not evil. Notice, I left out things like preaching on the platform or teaching Sunday School. The reason is that Kingdom Apostolic leaders lead you to "your" ministry, not "a" ministry. Not including traditional (platform) ministry roles is not because I feel they are evil, because I don't. I just feel it's human nature to worship them because humanity loves things we can see. People who don't know any better are looking for "Moses" to go to the mountain for them and the only model we're showing them is that we'll do it. It would be one thing if we simply showed the model, but that's not enough. We insist people bow down to it, and like the Jewish leaders told Pilate, "If you release this Man, you are no friend of Caesar." If it crossed your mind that I omitted those wonderful callings, the reason should now be self evident.
Okay, so there are many who have read this and don't understand. To you I'd say, "That's okay." The Good News is that "I" accept you as you are, no matter your form. Purposely, I use the word "I", as I'm making a statement of faith and a practical step toward taking authority over my form. As a son of God, it's "I" (not my form) who say, "Come to me you who are laboring in self effort and vain imagination; "I'll"(without form) give you rest." As sons of God, you (with form) bring The Father (without form). Don't miss what Jesus was saying when He said to come to Him. He wasn't putting any emphasis on His flesh. He was speaking of The One who sent Him. Paul said to think just like Him. Allow this same mind to be in you. His mind doesn't draw attention to it's natural form, but functions as a gate to a higher place.
Don't just say this with me, but do it with me, "Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Take God to your world.